Pre- Primary Events
The pre–primary section of Avicenna International School regularly holds events to develop the different types of skills among the students which helps them inculcate the spirit of group learning.
Rain or Shine- 27th August, 2022
The theme of this event was seasons, which acquainted the students with the features of different seasons. The ambience in the pre-primary section was adorned with attractive illustrations and drawings of three seasons.Through the play-way method of games and activities the students were also able to associate objects used in different seasons. It aimed to improve their visual, associative, memory and cognitive skills. The event also imbibed the virtue of gratitude for the various seasons Allah(swt) has blessed us with.

Sensory Delights- 1st October ,2022
The overarching theme of this event was to familiarize the students with the parts of their body. The experience targeted their gross motor and social- emotional skills along with visual and auditory perception. The integration of all preprimary students for activities, reverberated holistic development of the students. Games that were incorporated in the event included identifying objects with smell, touch and audio. The children were able to appreciate the blessing of body organs bestowed by Allah (swt).
Rainbow Swirls- 29th October, 2022

Fruitilicious- 28th January,2023
event. The attitude of gratitude permeated the event.